Tuesday, 11 June 2024 19:43

President of COEXPORT presented alternatives for economic growth

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
President of COEXPORT presented alternatives for economic growth Courtesy

Silvia Cuellar, President of the Corporación de Exportadores de El Salvador (COEXPORT), presented in an interview the recommendations for the growth of the country's export sector, which could generate economic development, if ideas are taken to update the industry.

Similarly, Silvia Cuellar said that for economic growth, the textile sector is always necessary and cannot be discarded; however, she recommended that exports should be aimed more at the food sector, since it is a product that is a necessity and not something that goes out of fashion or that the new generations will no longer acquire.

Likewise, the President explained that this new bet is focused more on creating products updated to the times, not only a traditional coffee but to change flavors and play with what the new generations need, it is not about exporting food as it has been done for years, but to modify the elaboration of these, since people are getting used to new products.


The consumption of the new generations is no longer only nostalgic, but is also related to personal care, they no longer buy in the same way and are looking for products that protect health, environment, animals, among others. That is why the nation must adapt to what buyers require.

In this interview, he recommended that a solution for the elaboration of these nostalgic products is to follow the current models, since if they are food, they must be healthy and not have a lot of fat, or if they are garments, they must have something innovative and made with new technologies so that the foreign population feels attracted.

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Likewise, the President indicated that although the sector that exports and produces the most abroad is the textile and clothing sector; the change in this sector must be considered, since the current generation is more aware of the use of products, she added that currently, the country has many imports of intermediate goods, and other sectors that help exports are pharmaceuticals, cardboard and paper, construction.


Translated by: A.M