Tuesday, 05 October 2021 13:13

Premium and regular gasoline to decrease up to US$0.02 and diesel to increase up to US$0.09

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministry of Economy, (MINEC), informed that premium and regular gasoline will decrease between US$0.01 and US$0.02 and diesel will increase between US$0.08 and US$0.09 in the three zones of the country, the variation will be in effect from october 5 to 18.

Likewise, fuel prices will range from US$3.90 to US$3.31 in the three zones of the country, but MINEC indicates that this value published by the Ministry is suggested and the gas stations are the ones to establish it, according to supply and demand.

The salvadoran population will be able to refuel their vehicles at the gas station of their choice.

In addition, the reduction of fuel prices is due to external factors such as:

Increase in oil and gasoline reserves, and drops in diesel reserves, reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Slow recovery of production and refining due to hurricane Aida and storm Nicholas.

For better fuel savings it is recommended to:

Take proper routes: by planning your routes and scheduling your departures, you can save 10% to 35% on fuel.

Accelerate progressively: wait for the engine temperature to stabilize to demand its full power. Cold start: there is no point in warming up the engine when the vehicle is not moving. Running at idle will only consume fuel.

Alignment and tire pressure: without proper tire pressure and poorly aligned tires wear out faster and force the engine to work harder. When properly maintained, you can save up to 10% of fuel.