Tuesday, 17 August 2021 17:14

CABEI promotes youth labor insertion and training with a US$6 million investment

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) promotes social programs focused on fostering entrepreneurship, employment and youth innovation in the region.

CABEI highlights its portfolio of social projects that have an impact on education, the fight against poverty, training for the inclusion of young people, and the improvement of their quality of life.

"Youth is one of the most vulnerable social strata in our region, which is why CABEI promotes programs and projects that provide opportunities for young talent, in order to jointly build a better future for the region", explained CABEI Executive President, Dante Mossi.

So far this year, CABEI has signed several agreements to benefit this population, such as collaboration in sectoral programs and projects aimed at inserting young people into the Dominican labor market, and the collaboration instrument with the Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura that promotes innovation, technology and the training of young talent, the latter with a non-reimbursable contribution of US$6 million from CABEI for the development of the pilot phase.

Thanks to the “Programa de Emergencia de Apoyo y Preparación ante el COVID-19 y de Reactivación Económica”, CABEI approved the “Empleo y Emprendimiento Juvenil”program, which seeks to develop basic labor and entrepreneurial skills for young people, increase their opportunities and reduce their risk factors.

CABEI also approved the US$50 million “Programa de Recuperación y Desarrollo Rural Post-emergencia” in Argentina, which seeks to sustain and in some cases consolidate agro-productive, agro-industrial and service activities that generate income and employment for the rural and semi-rural population, with special emphasis on young people and a gender perspective.