The good positioning that El Salvador has obtained has allowed it to host the Junior World Surfing Championship in 2022 and the ISAWorlds 2023, affirmed the minister of Tourism, Morena Valdez.

Banco CUSCATLAN announced its sponsorship of US$150,000 dollars to the 8 national soccer teams of El Salvador. This is due to the effort that each of the selected teams puts in the different soccer games to put the name of El Salvador on high.

The minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya presented four new cases for alleged tax evasion, amounting to $3,860,327 million, before the Fiscalía General de la República (FGR).

The president of Banco de Desarrollo de El Salvador (BANDESAL), Juan Pablo Durán, informed that next week will be submitted the reform for the subsidy to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as part of the support before the increase in the minimum wage for 12 months.

One of Banco Promerica's strategic pillars is profitable and sustainable growth; therefore, it has sought to establish an alliance with other entities with similar visions, such as Fundación Empresarial para la Acción Social (FUNDEMAS).

The objective of this line of credit is to leverage compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and encourage clients to comply with annual Environmental, Social and Governance indicators by reducing the interest rate of the loan.

Integral development is an important part for the strengthening of the value chain in BAC Credomatic, for this reason they have an active listening to the needs of their suppliers, which allows them to know their needs, offering them solutions and necessary tools, through a unique experience, to achieve an adequate growth.

During the mission, the financing of the PRODEPORTE program was formalized and the approval of cooperation for the implementation of the Bitcoin Law was made official.

If such approval is received, the allocation of Derechos Especiales de Giro (DEG)will take place by the end of august.