Monday, 03 June 2024 03:31

Ideas to travel economically in and out of San Salvador

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
Ideas to travel economically in and out of San Salvador Courtesy

Currently going out with your friends, partner or family can be complicated when it comes to having to move from one place to another, especially when it is an extra expense that you must pay and that usually affects your budget.

For this reason, we leave you with some economical travel ideas:

To move within the city, use the public transportation system such as buses and minibuses, which are very affordable options. You can also consider riding a bicycle, as it is an economical and healthy alternative that is becoming more popular in the country.

For travel outside of San Salvador, intercity buses are generally cheaper and the main bus terminals in the city offer services to many parts of the country.

Another option is to use car-sharing car rental services, especially if you are traveling in a group, splitting the costs among passengers. Some tour companies offer transportation packages to popular destinations at competitive prices, which may include guided tours and transportation.


Also consider less conventional or secondary routes to avoid tolls and reduce fuel costs. Keep an eye out for transportation promotions, such as discounts on bus tickets or special travel packages. Finally, take advantage of the network of friends and family who may offer transportation in exchange for shared expenses or simply as a courtesy.

Also consider less conventional or secondary routes to avoid tolls and reduce fuel costs. Keep an eye out for transportation promotions, such as discounts on bus tickets or special travel packages. Finally, take advantage of the network of friends and family who can offer you transportation in exchange for shared expenses or simply as a courtesy.

Also, in some rural areas of the country, mototaxis and bicycle cabs offer inexpensive transportation for short distances. If the distances are not long, walking is an excellent way to save money and stay active.

There are also ridesharing applications such as Uber Pool which allows you to share rides with other people, significantly reducing the cost of the ride.

These options will help you get around El Salvador more economically and efficiently.


Translated by: A.M