Thursday, 13 June 2024 02:52

SSF informs reimbursement to COSAVI members with savings of less than US$6,000

Written by Alejandra García Ortiz
SSF informs reimbursement to COSAVI members with savings of less than US$6,000 Courtesy

The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero has informed through Superintendent Evelyn Gracias, that people associated to the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Santa Victoria de R.L.  (COSAVI) who had savings of US$6,000 or less will be reimbursed 100% of their capital starting this june 12.

This reimbursement is part of the sixth "layer" of reimbursement, since, as the SSF explained, the funds will be delivered in "layers", the first of which began on may 14, when savings were delivered to people who had US$1,000 or less in their accounts.

The superintendent also indicated that a loan has monthly installments to be paid, and has a term in which the person takes that loan, therefore, the money cannot be recovered from one day to the next; however, work is being done to rearrange everything related to the case so that the cooperative's depositors can be honored, but she pointed out that everyone is asked to have a little patience, since gradual refunds are being made.


Likewise, the superintendent said "the total deposits that were in COSAVI amounting to US$6,000 or less are being considered and they will continue to be attended at the same branch, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm from monday to friday, without closing at noon, and on saturdays it will be open until 12:00 pm".

The superintendent urged savers to stay tuned to the official media, as more information will continue to be provided.



Translated by: A.M