Friday, 05 May 2023 21:37

Minister of Labor to hold meeting in response to Union Unity's demands

Written by Evelyn Alas

The minister of Labor, Rolando Castro said through his twitter account that, in response to the request of the Union Unity to set up a negotiation table, this will be held next week and will initiate a dialogue in view of the petitions requested.

At the negotiation table, the representatives of the Union Unity will request an increase in the minimum wage to US$400, currently for the industry, commerce and services sector the minimum wage is US$365; textile and garment manufacturing is US$359.16; coffee processing and sugar cane harvesting US$272.66 and agriculture, coffee and cotton harvesting US$ 243.46.

Entrevista a César Puntriano | Nuevos desafíos en el sector laboral -  Enfoque Derecho | El Portal de Actualidad Jurídica de THĒMIS

The 20% increase percentage proposed by President Nayib Bukele in 2021 is higher than the variations of previous years, because the objective is to be effective in order to increase the purchasing power of workers.

The institution detailed that at the dialogue table they will propose a comprehensive reform to the Labor Code and that a Monotax policy be designed for self-employed workers.

In addition, the institution seeks to create an unemployment insurance in El Salvador, the unionists ask for the prompt approval of the Special Law for the Regulation of Private Security Services, which promises benefits for workers and sanctions.

The Union Unity groups 250 working class organizations, representing more than 20,000 salvadorans.

Se puede seguir siendo eficiente con el teletrabajo? – Blog de Empléate

What is the monotax? The monotax unifies the tax component Value Added Tax (VAT) and Profits and the social security component pension contributions and social security in a single monthly payment, making it simpler and faster to comply with your obligations.

The unionists also have in their list of demands to break the retention ceiling of the Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS) and to apply the tax to the patrimony of one million dollars and over.


Translated by: A.M