Wednesday, 18 October 2023 03:45

IPC continues to increase in areas such as food, transportation and clothing

Written by Coralia Cuellar

According to the latest figures reported by the Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador (BCR) in September there has been a further increase in the Índices de Precios al Consumidor (IPC).

The General Index is the highest registered from January to September 2023, reaching 129.67 points.

The products that have registered the highest increases have been: food and beverages, clothing and footwear; lodging, water, electricity, transportation, health, home furnishings, among others. Followed by restaurants and hotels.


What has been maintained are the prices of recreational places or spaces, education, communication or information sources, that is to say telephony or diverse goods.

Many of the products or goods that are consumed come from abroad, so their prices are influenced by conflicts or external problems.

Although inflation has been decreasing, it still remains at 3% as of the last report provided by the BCR.


Translated by: A.M