Wednesday, 03 May 2023 15:13

US$8.2 million recovered in favor of families who did not receive their properties

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Mesa de Casos Colectivos formed by five government institutions has already made progress in providing solutions to families affected by the deceit of companies that did not comply.

This group of entities has the mission of resolving those conflicts where people gave money to a land development company to become owners of a plot of land to build a house, but did not receive the property.

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The Defensoría del Consumidor, the Centro Nacional de Registros, the Procuraduría General de la República, the Ministerio de Vivienda y the Fiscalía General de la República.

 participate in this meeting

Since 2022, when the Mesa began operating as such, "2,593 deeds have been issued, recovering an investment of more than $8.2 million in favor of the families", said the head of Housing, Michelle Sol.

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There are two municipalities where there was the highest concentration of these resolutions. There is Zacatecoluca (La Libertad) where eight cases representing 788 families were worked on. On this occasion the recovery of funds in favor of those affected was US$1.35 million.

Then there is Ahuachapán (Ahuachapán), where the Mesa concluded two cases involving 488 families. This response has a fund equivalent of more than US$1 million.

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Those affected can start their process in the IPSFA building, on Alameda Roosevelt, in San Salvador. In the social networks of the Ministerio de Vivienda are the documents and other requirements necessary to file a collective complaint through the Mesa.

After the investigation, the first option is to reach a conciliation with the families and the land developers. "When the investigation stage is exhausted and a solution is not reached, the whereabouts of the owner or land developer are not known, or the cases of land developers declared bankrupt, the case is referred to the Fiscalía Currently there are 76 cases ready", said Minister Sol, referring that soon there will be new solutions for these people.


Translated by: A.M