The Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social (MTPS) urged this thursday the country’s construction companies to carry out a thorough review of both aerial and subway works, in response to the recent earthquakes. Minister Rolando Castro’s recommendation comes after the telluric movements that have been registered in recent days, including one of 5.7 on the Richter scale occurred in Nahulingo, Sonsonate.
Castro explained on his social media account that, due to the frequency and magnitude of earthquakes, it is essential to ensure that constructions do not present risks to workers. “We urge companies in the construction area to carefully review the conditions of the works, both subway and above ground, ensuring compliance with basic occupational safety standards”, said the minister.

In addition, the head of the MTPS emphasized that instructions have already been issued to the ministry’s inspectors to carry out visits to construction sites and verify compliance with safety measures. “Our main objective is to safeguard the lives of workers and prevent accidents arising from these seismic events”, Castro emphasized.
The call for vigilance in construction works comes in a context of growing concern for occupational safety after the recent earthquakes, which have shaken different areas of the country. The MTPS reaffirms its commitment to protect the rights and integrity of workers throughout the country.