Tuesday, 07 September 2021 14:01

National marine shrimp ban for 30 days according to MAG

Written by Evelyn Alas

The Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG), informed that from october 4th to november 2nd there will be a national ban on marine shrimp.

The national ban applies to artisanal fishing and marine shrimp industry and prohibits the extraction of this species in the sea, gulf, bays and estuaries.

In addition, the MAG indicated that: "Those who do not comply with this restriction will be sanctioned".

The marine shrimp ban does not mean no more shrimp, shortage or price increase, the population is guaranteed a good supply of the product, especially for the supplies that have been made by traders and that timely reported their inventories to the Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) - Centro de Desarrollo de Pesca y Acuicultura (CENDEPESCA).

If you wish to buy marine shrimp, it is time to take advantage of the month of september to buy this seafood, to consume it or to have it as a reserve while the national ban lasts.

The MAG expressed that: "if you know someone who does not comply with the restriction period of marine shrimp fishing, call 2210-1915 or send a WhatsApp to 6101-1992 to denounce. The closure only includes wild marine shrimp, not farmed or farmed shrimp.

According to the Ley General de Ordenación y Promoción de la Pesca y Acuicultura, the establishment of the closure is part of the work of MAG-CENDEPESCA and is when the resources are threatened.