Monday, 11 March 2024 23:29

Finance Commission approves income tax exemption for foreign entrepreneurs

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

This monday, the Finance Commission of the Legislative Assembly approved an opinion for the reform to the "Income Tax Law to encourage national and foreign investment, essentially in the financial sector", exempting from the tax all movement of international capital entering the country.




Such reform includes the exemption that will benefit individuals, legal entities or unincorporated entities, domiciled or not in the country, that obtain income abroad of:

1.             Loans.

2.            Custodial funds

3.            Repatriation of capital for deposits in foreign financial institutions

4.            Repatriation of capital invested abroad

5.            Income from the investment of securities and other instruments

6.            Income from credits or financing

7.            Family remittances

8.            Funds for working capital

9.            Funds to invest in instruments placed in the country

10.         Other income of money into the country

The reform incorporates in the income exclusions regulated in article 3 the "capital income", defined as "all the values received in any concept, obtained abroad such as capital movements, remunerations, loans, remittances and trusts, among others".


On this occasion, the commission received the Vice Minister of Finance, Luis Sanchez Castro and Marvin Sorto, Director General of Internal Taxes of the Ministry of Finance who explained that any person abroad who wants to invest in El Salvador is exempt from income tax, this type of incentive what they want to achieve is that foreigners even Salvadorans living in different parts of the world have the opportunity to return and invest in the country in this way generate jobs and improve the economy.



Translated by: A.M