Monday, 01 April 2024 18:46

April begins with fuel prices on the rise

Written by Karla Gutiérrez

The month of april starts again with an increase in fuel prices which will be around US$0.12, in the case of diesel it will drop one cent, as announced by the Dirección de Energía, Hidrocarburos y Minas (DGEHM) these prices will be in effect from april 2 to april 15.

Special gasoline in the center, west and east of the country, will have a reference price of US$4.60, US$4.61 and $4.64, respectively.

Regular gasoline will increase US$0.11 in the center and west of the country, and the suggested cost per gallon will be US$4.28 and US$4.29. Meanwhile, in the eastern zone, it will have an increase of US$0.12, making a total of US$4.33.

As for diesel, the reference prices will be US$3.95 and US$3.99 respectively. In the western zone the cost per gallon will remain at US$3.96.

According to DGEHM the international factors influencing fuel prices in the country are the following:

The geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine; International influence such as falls in fuel reserves in the United States, according to reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA), which detailed decreases in gasoline of 12.1 million barrels in march, coupled with 9.9 million barrels in february; and Russia reported that it will further reduce its oil production by 471 thousand barrels per day, during the second quarter of 2024 in order to keep the costs of oil and its derivatives high.




Translated by: A.M