The Ministry of Public Works (MOP), verified the initial construction works of the overpass over Redondel Utila, Santa Tecla, which is the first in execution of a total of seven to be built in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (AMSS).

The Ministry of Finance eliminates bureaucracy and simplifies procedures in different areas such as financial, commercial, labor, personal, among others, by homologating the Número de Identificación Tributaria (NIT) with the Documento Único de Identidad ( (DUI).

The Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero (SSF), informs through its twitter account that 2021 was the year with the highest amount authorized in securitizations, reaching US$462.10 million, reflecting greater financing opportunities for entities and better returns for those for investors through the securities market.

Vendors in downtown San Salvador have had to increase the prices of school supplies to achieve minimal profits, risking offering notebooks at US$0.80 and US$0.90 where they earn US$0.02 and US$0.03 in order not to lose their clients.

El Salvador is on the list of candidates with the greatest potential to become the next headquarters of the Central American debt market.

Keeping track of your personal expenses will keep you out of debt and substantially improve your relationship with money.

Monday, 03 January 2022 03:33

Learn how to live on half of your income

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Living on half of your salary doesn't have to generate frustrations, annoyances, and much less indebtedness.

The end of the year is approaching and you haven't planned where to go to welcome the new year 2022, one of the best options you can take is to visit Hotel Royal Decameron Salinitas, which offers you a fantastic all-inclusive vacation experience, with a purely Mayan flavor.

The President of the Defensoría del Consumidor, Ricardo Salazar, informed in a radio interview that in the plan for the verification of compliance with the Consumer Protection Law about 445 inspections have been made. They have found 8% of non-compliance in the area of misleading advertising.