Monday, 06 May 2024 23:27

Banco Agrícola opens La Cuenta del Mar to protect mangroves in El Salvador

Written by Alejandra García
Banco Agrícola opens La Cuenta del Mar to protect mangroves in El Salvador Courtesy

Bancoagrícola in alliance with the Fundación Doménech assumes a new commitment to sustainability: caring for the sea from the heart, comprehensively supporting initiatives that generate environmental, social, and economic impact on the coastal-marine ecosystem.

When it comes to working for sustainability, the oceans are a fundamental part of what they represent for humanity, the environment, the quality of life of people and the productive activity of communities. Bancoagrícola, reaffirming its purpose with sustainable development, presents to the country an innovative initiative focused on the coastal-marine ecosystem, called: La Cuenta del Mar.

La Cuenta del Mar was created with the objective of contributing to the preservation of mangroves, important ecosystems that generate a great amount of environmental benefits, not only for marine species, but also help coastal communities to defend themselves from natural phenomena. In terms of contributing to the conservation of this type of environment, Bancoagrícola under La Cuenta del Mar will disburse US$89 thousand dollars in the first stage.

The marine territorial area of El Salvador, in its more than 300 longitudinal kilometers of coastline is patrimony of the nation and as a society we must know how to take care of it. Our sea possesses great ecological wealth and is responsible for maintaining the balance in the ecosystems for the benefit of all.

"Our purpose is to promote sustainable development to achieve the well-being of all; our business strategy is designed to maintain the balance between the environment, the economy and society. We know that the oceans are a primordial component, that is why for Bancoagrícola it is important to contribute to preserve the seas, as part of the accompaniment to the construction of more sustainable cities and communities within our purpose", said Rafael Barraza, president of Bancoagrícola.

"To achieve this, we seek strategic allies that will help us continue to generate positive impact, and the actions of the Fundación Doménech to protect the mangroves in the Estero de Jaltepeque respond to this need, with comprehensive projects that enhance education, environmental care and employment generation among the inhabitants of that point of the salvadoran coast", he said.

Fundación Domenech has been joining forces for more than 15 years in the development of social and environmental projects in the Costa del Sol and the Jaltepeque estuary, with the aim of improving the quality of life in the area, its inhabitants, and the coastal-marine ecosystem.

"The sea is the great lung of our planet, and its sustainability depends on a caring, educated and committed society. That is why Fundación Domenech believes in investing in local communities, so that, through the appropriation of restoration and conservation techniques, we join efforts to create ecosystems that benefit not only the area, but the entire country", said Margarita Ayala de Alemán, director of Fundación Domenech.

With La Cuenta del Mar, Bancoagrícola and Fundación Doménech will work to preserve marine treasures for a sustainable future. The objective of the project is to rehabilitate areas of the Estero Jaltepeque Mangrove together with the surrounding communities, turning it into a space that generates opportunities for sustainable economic growth and a more balanced ecosystem for the flora and fauna that inhabit it.

Fundación Domenech has been joining forces for more than 15 years in the development of social and environmental projects in the Costa del Sol and the Jaltepeque estuary, with the aim of improving the quality of life in the area, its inhabitants and the coastal-marine ecosystem.

"The sea is the great lung of our planet, and its sustainability depends on a caring, educated and committed society. That is why Fundación Domenech believes in investing in local communities, so that, through the appropriation of restoration and conservation techniques, we join efforts to create ecosystems that benefit not only the area, but the entire country”,  said Margarita Ayala de Alemán, director of Fundación Domenech.

With La Cuenta del Mar, Bancoagrícola and Fundación Doménech will work to preserve marine treasures for a sustainable future. The objective of the project is to rehabilitate areas of the Estero Jaltepeque Mangrove together with the surrounding communities, turning it into a space that generates opportunities for sustainable economic growth and a more balanced ecosystem for the flora and fauna that inhabit it.

The Técnica de Restauración de Manglar (REM) will be used to rehabilitate 5 km of estuarine channels in El Desierto and Mamasoca del Estero de Jaltepeque. To this end, a mollusk corral (shells or curiles) will be installed as a proposal for a sustainable and eco-friendly economy, a channel will be permanently closed, turning it into a protected space for different species of local fauna and flora, training will be provided on responsible fishing, and the closed channel will be repopulated with crustaceans.

Likewise, we will seek to make the actions sustainable with environmental awareness, where the communities will be the main agents of change in the conservation of the spaces where they benefit from eco-friendly commerce.

La Cuenta del Mar will allow the development of integral projects with the inhabitants of the San Rafael Tasajera canton who will be the direct beneficiaries, a population of more than 850 people made up of 422 women and 430 men from Tasajera Island and La Colorada. The livelihoods of about 197 families living in the canton come from natural resources extracted from the sea and the Jaltepeque Estuary.


"As Bancoagrícola we have a commitment to El Salvador beyond our business, we want to contribute to generate positive environmental, social and economic impact; and on this occasion also raise awareness and share with salvadorans the importance of caring for our treasures in the mangroves of the Estero de Jaltepeque, joining efforts through The Sea Account", concluded Rafael Barraza, executive president of Bancoagrícola.

A healthy mangrove promotes a more balanced ecosystem, both for the environment and for the communities, creating a cleaner, more prosperous community with more opportunities to sustainably take advantage of the marine resource.

Likewise, a conserved mangrove is vital for the capture of blue carbon, a great ally against climate change. These "carbon sinks" are capable of sequestering CO2 faster than traditional forests, even if they are smaller.

With this initiative, the bank complements the actions it has already been developing to support projects that have an environmental impact, such as clean energy initiatives, electromobility and sustainable agricultural practices.

Bancoloagrícola now assumes a new commitment to sustainability: caring for the sea from the heart, comprehensively supporting initiatives that generate environmental, social, and economic impact on the coastal-marine ecosystem.


Translated by: A.M